Monday, April 17, 2023

A relevant point about sports from the old harems

Those who are familiar with harem systems like those of the old Ottoman Empire know that, for some reason, the attendants were very often eunuchs.  Now part of this is understandable--the harem inmates would see other women as rivals, and the owners didn't want unauthorized testicles in there--but I would submit to you that there is another reason for eunuchs as harem attendants.

Women don't share men very well, and a male harem attendant is bigger and stronger than the harem inmates, even when castrated.  So if your job is in part to come between women who are trying to kill one another out of jealousy, it helps to be male.  (and obviously incapable of being "racked")

In other words, people have known for millenia that even castrated males are bigger and stronger than women, and hence if we want to have a level playing field for biological women, that means that "trans" women cannot be admitted.  Biology and genetics matters, whether we like it or not.

Another reality that we ought to heed is that as more and more people come out in favor of "transitioning" people at a young age without the safeguards that existed for transitioning back in the 1970s and 1980s, we ought to wonder whether some of the motivation for the advocates is the same as it was back in the days of the sheihks and sultans; less available men means more women for me.  It may or may not be the real motivation, but it's a possibility that we ought to check out.


Hearth said...

I was thinking it might mean "more eunuchs for me" rather than actual women (considering the vanguard of apologists for this nonsense) but your point has merit.

Bike Bubba said...

True, and ewww. Another point where my logic might break down is the portion of new "trans" people who are F-M, whereas previously it was M-F predominantly. So the guy who wants more women for himself is going to be disappointed by current trends.

And somehow I am reminded of Wesley's greeting of Buttercup as he recovers from the torture machine as I contemplate these realities.

Hearth said...

I was using eunuchs across the board really. Broken people. Why would you want to break people? Well, they're very easy to play with once they're broken into bits. It's not nice to think about how you can manipulate people once broken, but then again, it's not nice to castrate them in the first place.