Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Why Ukraine Fights?

Putin's Chef Yevgeny Prigozhin is now bragging that he is turning recruits for his "Wagner Group" into "real cannibals".   Well, given Prigozhin's history of pretty nasty food safety violations, Wagner's current status as a haven for illness due to nonexistent sanitation, and Wagner's pattern of not providing luxuries like "food" to their soldiers, it all makes a lot of sense.  Might have something to do with why Russia is invading a major supplier of food to the world, eh?  The only thing hanging out there is whether they're using Monty Python's "Lifeboat" sketch as a training video.

Hopefully at some point in the future, to paraphrase the sketch, the Wagner Group and the Russian Army will get cannibalism mostly under control.  

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