Thursday, December 15, 2022

File under "collusion"

Apparently officials at the Centers for Disease Control removed statistics on defensive firearm use from public view after pressure from the Brady Campaign/Handgun Control/Violence Policy Center.   But don't worry, public officials aren't in the pocket of leftist interest groups, except they are, just like with the Twitter censorship files.

In related news, Transportation Secretary Peter Buttigieg did the nation a favor by going on maternity leave (again) during tense negotiations for rail union contracts.  Ordinarily, I'd be in favor of him, say, actually being on the job during a tense time like this, but given the condition of the streets of South Bend, maybe it's better he was sipping port instead.


elspeth said...

Anyone who takes anything coming out the state run media or the deep state at face value is foolish.


Bike Bubba said...

....and at least "state influenced media" seems to be most of the best we have, sad to say. But that noted, it does seem (CDC story) that every once in a while, a truth comes out that the "deep state" would not want to be understood--but for whatever reason, it's let out. My best guess is that the deep state does not think many people will object to the notion that the CDC was taking directions from interest groups, for example.

Hope & pray they're wrong.