Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Counting on the scientifically illiterate

Russia responds to Ukraine hitting one of their ammunition depots, creating a monstrous explosion, by claiming that what had actually been hit was a storehouse for saltpeter.

Problem:  saltpeter is not explosive.  Congratulations, again, to Russia for failing to run their propaganda past anyone who had passed basic chemistry to the point of being able to decipher, say, the CRC handbook and related materials.  

Update: if you look at the image of the ammunition dump getting hit, you will see any number of secondary explosions that occur as ammunition is blown up into the sky by the initial set of explosions.

They also appear to have a problem figuring out that, yes, when they've invaded Ukraine, Ukrainian defenders are indeed going to attack the very Ukrainian cities the Russian army has taken.  In other words, they believe that they can pull the wool over the world's eyes, and the front page of Pravda is increasingly looking like it did back in the 1980s--a pure mouthpiece for the ruling officials.

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